Qwasar Blog

Qwasar Partners with StartSchool to Grow the Tech Landscape in Latvia

Written by Kristen Capuzzo | May 31, 2024 4:34:34 PM

We’re excited to announce a new partnership with StartSchool in Latvia. StartSchool is a new initiative led by an incredible founding team and top-line supporters to train the leading SWEs and CTOs of tomorrow in Latvia, the Baltic region, and beyond.

StartSchool will offer free training to further talent in the region, offering programs that are 12 months in duration and focus on modules in software engineering, full stack development, AI/machine learning, and other technical areas. 

This partnership is aligned with our mission of training millions for the digital world and making training accessible. Learners in Latvia will be able to take advantage of a high quality program, learn skills for future tech careers, and gain access to top tier tech jobs in their country. 

In a rapidly evolving technological landscape, the demand for skilled professionals is higher than ever before. Recognizing this need, a group of technology entrepreneurs created StartSchool, a groundbreaking initiative aimed at empowering the next generation of tech leaders. Developed by industry experts and powered by Qwasar's Experiential Learning Platform, StartSchool offers a transformative educational experience that combines cutting-edge technology with hands-on learning.

StartSchool will build upon Qwasar’s innovative tech education that revolutionizes traditional learning methods by leveraging AI-driven, hands-on experiences. Through self-directed learning, pair programming, and group collaboration, students develop essential skills required to thrive in the dynamic tech industry. Whether aspiring to join startups or established tech giants like Apple and Google, graduates of StartSchool emerge well-prepared to tackle real-world challenges with confidence and expertise.

Furthermore, StartSchool's Startup/Business module provides a comprehensive curriculum covering all aspects of startup creation and management. From ideation to fundraising, students receive practical training and insights to navigate the complex entrepreneurial landscape successfully. Through immersive workshops and pitch training, participants of StartSchool emerge not only with a solid understanding of business fundamentals but also with the confidence to turn their innovative ideas into reality. StartSchool stands as a beacon of hope for aspiring tech entrepreneurs, offering them the knowledge, skills, and support needed to make their mark in the ever-evolving world of technology.

Applications will open shortly.

About StartSchool

At the intersection of technology and business, StartSchool's comprehensive modules redefine education. Powered by Qwasar's Experiential Learning Platform, its Tech education module leverages AI-driven, hands-on experiences, fostering self-directed learning, pair programming, and group collaboration. Graduates are prepared for success in the tech industry, whether in startups or established firms like Apple and Google. Meanwhile, the Startup/Business module, developed by industry experts, provides a thorough curriculum from ideation to fundraising, empowering students with practical skills and insights to navigate the dynamic startup ecosystem. Through immersive workshops and pitch training, participants emerge ready to pursue entrepreneurial endeavors with confidence.


To learn more about this program, please visit StartSchool’s website: https://www.startschool.org/

For more information on StartSchool’s launch: https://www.db.lv/zinas/tehnologiju-uznemeji-atklaj-startschool-516069

To learn more about our partnerships to increase technical talent across the globe: https://qwasar.io/about-software-engineering-school/qwasar-partners/