Qwasar Blog

What is a Modern College of Engineering?

Written by Kristen Capuzzo | Jun 28, 2024 5:20:29 PM

In an era defined by rapid technological advancements and evolving industry demands, the concept of a modern College of Engineering has undergone significant transformation. Today, a modern College of Engineering is more than just a place to earn a degree—it's an incubator for innovation, a hub for collaboration, and a launchpad for the next generation of engineering leaders. This is especially true for innovative software engineering schools that are at the forefront of this evolution. Here’s what sets them apart:

Cutting-Edge Curriculum

A modern College of Engineering offers a curriculum that evolves in tandem with technological advancements. Gone are the days when a fixed syllabus sufficed for a software engineering education. Today, courses are frequently updated to include the latest major programming languages, tools, and methodologies. Topics such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, cybersecurity, and blockchain technology are integral components of the curriculum, ensuring students are prepared for the future job market.

More than that, the curriculum is taught in a way that reflects the working world and what it's like to be an engineer. Engineers don't have exams on the job; they are expected to write good code, problem solve, and do peer code reviews - so that's how we've structured the curriculum at Qwasar.


Hands-On Learning

Theory alone is insufficient in today’s engineering landscape. Modern engineering colleges emphasize hands-on learning through a lot of labs hours, a curriculum based fully in projects not lectures, and internships. Students are encouraged to engage in real-world problem-solving, working on projects that simulate industry conditions. This experiential learning approach helps bridge the gap between academic knowledge and practical application, making graduates more industry-ready. 

At Qwasar, we incorporate engineering labs which are themed labs focused on building and creating solutions to real world projects or problems. Similar to an on-site robotics lab that allows robotics students to play with and explore robotics, our engineering labs are focused on empowering students to explore and build software in different areas. Often, projects in these labs go on to become Minimum Viable Products (MVPs), and are the seeds from which companies are born. These are virtual, subject-based labs focused on hands-on projects built in groups. Projects offer an opportunity to explore the subject area while learning to collaborate with other students. Both projects and the labs themselves are great items to put on the resume! Some labs include: Blockchain Lab, Computer Vision Lab, Distributed Computing Lab, and IoT Lab.

Interdisciplinary Approach

Innovation often happens at the intersection of disciplines. Modern engineering programs foster an interdisciplinary approach, encouraging students to explore the convergence of software engineering with fields like bioinformatics, environmental engineering, and robotics. This holistic view not only broadens a student’s knowledge base but also promotes innovative thinking and problem-solving skills.

Collaboration and Teamwork

In the professional world, engineers rarely work in isolation. Modern engineering schools emphasize collaboration and teamwork through group projects and collaborative research. In the traditional system, this is called cheating. At Qwasar, it is a core and vital part of learning to be an engineer. Students learn to work effectively in diverse teams, honing their communication and leadership skills. This collaborative environment mirrors the dynamics of the tech industry, where teamwork is crucial for success.

Collaboration is one of those highly-sought after “soft skills” that employers want and that bosses want you to have. It is not something that is learned through lectures or videos - you have to actually do it and be placed in situations and scenarios to actually collaborate with others.

With that, every week at Qwasar, we run coding collaboration sessions,  which offer learners an opportunity to work on problems together and collaborate. Coding collaboration sessions are designed to help students learn to work together. During each session, students of all levels are divided into small groups to work on a timed challenge. Each group will focus on an assigned technical interview question or problem and, at the conclusion of the session, will share their solution and learnings with the other groups.

Entrepreneurial Mindset

A significant hallmark of a modern College of Engineering is its focus on fostering an entrepreneurial mindset. Students are encouraged to think like entrepreneurs, identifying problems, and devising innovative solutions. Many schools offer courses in entrepreneurship, provide access to startup incubators, and host hackathons and innovation challenges. This entrepreneurial culture empowers students to transform ideas into viable businesses, driving innovation and economic growth.

We have 35+ entrepreneurs in the Qwasar community who have started or are building their own companies. Learners use their software and programming skills and are building everything from accounting software to software to run a music shop. Students within the community have even built a Discord bot called Squire!

Focus on Soft Skills

Technical skills are critical, but modern engineering colleges also recognize the importance of soft skills. Communication, teamwork, critical thinking, and problem-solving are essential for a successful career in engineering in the 21st century. Programs are designed to develop these skills through activities like public speaking courses, leadership training, and teamwork-centric projects.

Global Perspective

The tech industry is inherently global, and modern engineering education reflects this reality. Many colleges offer study abroad programs, international internships, and collaborations with universities worldwide. These opportunities expose students to different cultures and perspectives, preparing them for the global nature of the engineering profession.

Lifelong Learning

In a field that evolves as rapidly as software engineering, continuous learning is crucial. Modern engineering schools instill a passion for lifelong learning, encouraging graduates to stay abreast of new developments and continue their education through online courses, professional certifications, and advanced degrees.

Sustainable and Ethical Engineering

As the world grapples with challenges like climate change and data privacy, modern Colleges of Engineering emphasize the importance of sustainable and ethical engineering practices. Students are taught to consider the broader impact of their work on society and the environment, ensuring that their innovations contribute positively to the world.


A modern College of Engineering is a dynamic and forward-thinking institution that prepares students not just for the jobs of today, but for the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow. By combining cutting-edge curriculum, hands-on learning, interdisciplinary collaboration, and a global perspective, these schools are molding the next generation of innovative engineers who will lead the way in shaping our future. As we continue to advance, the role of these modern institutions will become even more pivotal in driving technological and societal progress.