
CodeU Launches in Mexico to Develop Tech Talent at Silicon Valley Level

Aug 24, 2020 12:28:14 PM / by Jennifer Robertson

In partnership with Qwasar Silicon Valley, CodeU is bringing industry-leading tech talent programs to Mexico and Latin America with the aim of equipping professionals with the digital skills and competencies necessary to work in an environment increasingly defined by innovation and technology.

(This article was originally published in Spanish here. Below we provide a summary translation in English)


The partnership and launch of CodeU is well timed. LinkedIn recently published a report on emerging jobs in Mexico, noting that the fastest growing job trends in the country are closely linked to technological disruptions. Artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and data engineering are no longer futuristic ideas but concepts that dominate the economic present.

The CodeU and Qwasar programs are based on 3 fundamental pillars which address key aspects of success and work in the global digital economy. Learners develop an extensive portfolio of work that proves their experience and skills in the field, something that technology firms are not only prioritizing but requiring for job applications. Second, the programs are collaborative and how learning happens is collaborative: this is essentially a replica of the working environment. Projects and collaboration are the norm in the digital working world, and people have more opportunity to learn from their peers naturally. Thus, CodeU programs mirror the same concepts - projects, collaboration, and learning from your peers as a natural part of work.

Finally the third pillar is competency-based or mastery-based learning, a steep departure from the traditional learning system where learners receive grades but don't have to become fully competent at a given skill. In the working world, what matters is being able to perform your job, which demands competency in your skill set. Thus, the programs are designed to develop competency, not to hand out grades.

“We are based on a Silicon Valley mindset, where people worry about things happening and don't wait for someone to develop their idea; There, if people need a platform, they learn to develop it to bring it to reality in their own business. It is the principle by which we abide by,” says one of the CodeU executives. 

CodeU is grateful for the support of the State Government of Aguascalientes, where programs will launch in early autumn. With a program that can adapt to remote learning and continue despite lockdown restrictions, learners have a new option for training into jobs with great salaries in around 12 months, rather than 4+ years.


(Qwasar also sends a huge congratulations to the CodeU team for the launch of these programs!)

Jennifer Robertson

Written by Jennifer Robertson

Jennifer is one of the co-founders of Qwasar and is on a mission to make a difference via engaging education.

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